A collection of web based resources
for the Virginia Aviation community.

Airports in and around Virginia

= Airport Diagram | = Photograph | = 100LL | = Jet-A

Statewide Listings by Category
Accomodations, Hotels, etc.
Includes lodging, car rental and other help for the visitor.
Airlines with scheduled service to Virginia airports.
Airport Organization
Business, govermnent, or other organization with direct authority over the airport.
Parks, battlefields, shops and other interesting sites to visit.
Companies directly relating to aviation or have an association with an airport.
Here you will find editorials, local information and websites offering details of local areas.
Includes local governments, non-profit groups, clubs and airport authorities are found here.
Places to find the $100 hamburger or better.

Here are some references to State sponsored information:

Enhance your exposure on Virginia Aviation Online

Unless otherwise specified, all text, html, sql and photographs are Copyright 1994-2008, John S. Huggins.
No part of this site shall be reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
Questions, comments and corrections are VERY welcome! Send them to the webmaster at: john@flyvirginia.com.